Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock:
if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him,
and will sup with him, and he with me.

Jesus Is Knocking
by Helen Dowd
Jesus is standing at your heart's door today.
He is patiently waiting. Don't send Him away.
He's calling so softly, He wants to come in.
He'll heal all your sorrows, and cleanse you from sin.
Jesus has knocked on your heart's door before.
But you haven't answered, tho' He's knocked o're and o'er.
Oh please, dear one, listen. He silently waits.
If you put Him off longer, it may be too late.
Don't be afraid of what He may find,
Inside of your heart, or inside your mind.
He died on the cross to redeem you from sin.
So please, sinner, listen. Oh let the Lord in.
Don't let Satan tell you that your sin is too great.
He wants you to linger--to procrastinate.
But please friend, don't listen to Lucifer's lies.
COME, open to Jesus. He's still standing by.
© 2002, Helen Dowd
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